Somia Tawfik
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Title: Arabic computer based auditory training program: A new horizon for management of auditory processing disorders
Biography: Somia Tawfik
A comprehensive program for remediation of auditory processing disorders was developed in Arabic language in order to suit Arabic-speaking children. Arabic computer-based auditory training program (CBAT) was developed by a multidisciplinary team of audiology, phoniatrics, acoustic engineering, and software programming. The program proved to be an efficient approach for remediation of auditory processing disorders. It offered several advantages including multi-sensory stimulation in an engaging format, generous feedback and reinforcement that facilitates intensive training with a highly interesting and attractive theme for children. Application of the program on children with auditory processing disorders particularly those with language and learning problems as well as on children with (C)APD combined with other perceptual disorders & neuro-psychiatric disorders showed promising outcome. Evaluation of the outcome showed beneficial improvement subjectively and objectively. Arabic CBAT program is a new horizon for management of auditory processing disorders.