Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
2nd International Conference and Expo on Audiology and Deaf Studies, will be organized around the theme “An Insight into Advanced Research Technologies and Application in Audiology”
Hearing devices 2016 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Hearing devices 2016
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Audio logical Medicine covers the field of hearing, balance and communication disorders, Ear anatomy and ototoxicity. Audio vestibular medicine is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and management of hearing and balance disorders in adults and children. It also involves the management of people with tinnitus, dysacuses (conditions where ordinary sounds produce discomfort or pain) and communication disorders. Hearing devices symposiums and Research on audiology also includes Epidemiological studies.
- Track 1-1Psychoacoustics and instrumentation
- Track 1-2Ear anatomy and ototoxicity
- Track 1-3Practice Management in audiology
- Track 1-4Epidemiological studies
Auditory processing disorder (APD), also known as central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) that affect the way the brain processes auditory information. Hearing devices workshops can give the more knowledge on auditory disorders. We find also changes in neuro-anatomy and physiology and auditory neuroscience. Clinical phonology and motor speech disorders is a branch of linguistics. It is concerned with the study of the sound systems of languages. The aims of phonology are to demonstrate the patterns of distinctive sound contrasts in a language, and to explain the ways speech sounds are organized and represented in the mind. Computer-based auditory processing is a computer based curriculum may be part of the educational answer for children with auditory processing problems.
- Track 2-1Tinnitus
- Track 2-2Auditory processing disorders and hearing Loss
- Track 2-3Neuro-anatomy and physiology
- Track 2-4Clinical phonology and motor speech disorders
- Track 2-5Auditory neuroscience and diagnosis
- Track 2-6Computer-based auditory processing
- Track 2-7Cognitive processing
An otoacoustic emission (OAE) is a sound which is generated from within the inner ear. Studies have shown that OAEs disappear after the inner ear has been damaged, so OAEs are often used in the laboratory and the clinic as a measure of inner ear health. Videonystagmography (VNG) is a technology for testing inner ear and central motor functions, a process known as vestibular assessment. Dichotic listening is a psychological test commonly used to investigate selective attention within the auditory system and is a subtopic of cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Latest audiology diagnostic tools include Diagnostic Audiometer, canal symposiums which can easily perform routine air and bone conduction threshold audiometry, but it also comes with portable application as well.
- Track 3-1Otoacoustic emission measurements
- Track 3-2Videonystagmography
- Track 3-3Electrophysiologic and dichotic listening tests
- Track 3-4Clinical auditory brainstem response
- Track 3-5Clinical otoacoustic and immittance results
- Track 3-6Diagnostic Audiometer&Portable Audiometer
- Track 3-7Electro acoustic measurements
- Track 3-8Latest audiology diagnostic
In hearing devices congress discussions on Biological aspects of audiology include auditory physiology and mechanism in which mechanical waves known as vibrations are detected by the ear and transduced into nerve impulses that are perceived by the brain. Biology and physiology matters of hearing include Clinical Linguistics patterns and structure applications in hearing and Electrophysiological test procedures that is evaluations including Auditory Brainstem Response and Otoacoustic Emissions.
- Track 4-1Biological aspects of audiology
- Track 4-2Auditory physiology and mechanism
- Track 4-3Clinical linguistics patterns and structure
- Track 4-4Electrophysiological test procedures
The field of pediatric otolaryngology has undergone significant changes over the past two decades. Many societies and associations are providing audiological service for the pediatric population. Newborn screening is completed before a baby is 1 month of age. If a baby does not pass the newborn screening, the next step is Diagnostic Audiology. The initial diagnostic tests must be completed as soon as possible so that any potential hearing loss can be diagnosed before 3 months of age. A baby identified with a hearing loss should undergo hearing aid services-selection and fit with hearing aids and enrolled in an early intervention program well before 6 months of age. The diagnostic Verification and validation is performed by a pediatric audiologist. The tinnitus maskers conferences and audiologist performs a series of tests, described below, to determine if a hearing loss exists, and, if so, the type (part of the auditory system affected), degree (how much hearing loss exists) and configuration (frequencies or pitches that are affected) of the loss.
- Track 5-1Audiological service delivery for the pediatric population
- Track 5-2Hearing aid services-selection and fitting
- Track 5-3Verification and validation
- Track 5-4New born screening
Etiological and medical causes of hearing loss includes excessive noise exposure damages the delicate hair cells in the inner ear may causes Spatial hearing loss, not dissimilar to the effect of age on the ear (accelerated "wear and tear"). This damage often results in permanent, sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing of the ears). Noise detection workshops, Noise pollution and hearing conservation is other major cause, hazardous noise exposures can occur on the job, which leads to Noise induced hearing loss. There are many hearing screening technologies and follow-up strategies which should be used. An effective hearing conservation and protective Devices can prevent hearing loss.
- Track 6-1Etiological and medical causes of hearing loss
- Track 6-2Spatial hearing loss
- Track 6-3Noise pollution and hearing conservation
- Track 6-4Hearing screening technology and follow-up strategy
- Track 6-5Hearing and communication disorders
- Track 6-6Hearing conservation and protective Devices
- Track 6-7Noise induced hearing loss
Adult, aural/audiologic rehabilitation services will focus on adjusting to your hearing loss, by using rehabilitation techniques making the best use of your hearing aids, exploring assistive devices that might help, managing conversations, and taking charge of your Auditory perception of speech & speech reading. Auditory ecology congress Services can be individual, in small groups, or a combination of both. Pediatric and Adult Rehabilitation Centers facility experienced in speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, Linguistic communication and educational programs, educational, and behavioral services tailored to fit the therapeutic needs of children, gives Counseling and sign language.
- Track 7-1Aural rehabilitation
- Track 7-2Electrophysiological testing
- Track 7-3Auditory perception of speech & speech reading
- Track 7-4Rehabilitation techniques
- Track 7-5Noise exposure and ototoxic medications
- Track 7-6Adult & pediatric rehabilitation
- Track 7-7Counseling and sign language
- Track 7-8Linguistic communication and educational programmes
In audiology symposiums, Auditory neurophysiology is a medical specialty that studies the central and peripheral nervous systems through the recording of bioelectrical activity, whether spontaneous or stimulated. It encompasses both research regarding the pathophysiology along with clinical methods used to diagnose diseases involving both central and peripheral nervous systems. Examinations in the auditory neurophysiology field are not limited to tests conducted in a laboratory. Neuromaturation and plasticity is age independent and allows to learning throughout the life. This type of brain modifications are viewed as life time process. Auditory neuropathy is a hearing disorder in which sound enters the inner ear normally but the transmission of signals from the inner ear to the brain is impaired. Auditory neuroscience account of hearing in terms of the neural processes that take place in different parts of the auditory system. Aging factors and degenerative neurologic disorders is one of the other factors which come under Auditory Neurophysiology. Neuroscientific advances and research in neurophysiology made easier to for diagnosis. Neurotology & skull base anatomy studies offers a straightforward overview of the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the temporal bone and central auditory and vestibular pathways.
- Track 8-1Neuromaturation and plasticity
- Track 8-2Auditory neuropathy
- Track 8-3Auditory neuroscience
- Track 8-4Aging factors and degenerative neurologic disorders
- Track 8-5Neuroscientific advances
- Track 8-6Neurotology& skull base anatomy
Hearing Aids a small amplifying device which fits on the ear, worn by a partially deaf person. In hearing devices conferences Electroacoustic performance of hearing aids is most conveniently measured. Earmolds, ear mold acoustics, Earmolds are the plastic part of your BTE hearing instrument which connect the ear canal to the hearing aid and literally place the sound in your ear. A digital hearing aid instruments is a hearing aid device that receives sound and digitizes it (breaks sound waves up into very small, discrete units) prior to amplification. A traditional analog hearing aid simply makes the sound wave larger to amplify sounds.
- Track 9-1Hearing Aids
- Track 9-2Electroacoustic performance of hearing aids
- Track 9-3Electroacoustic performance of hearing aids
- Track 9-4Earmolds, earmold acoustics
- Track 9-5Digital hearing instruments
- Track 9-6Operation of sound field systems
The field of Physiological bases of the cochlear implant has undergone significant changes over the past two decades. Radioâ€imaging of the auditory system is one of the recent advancement for the treatment from hearing loss. Microâ€anatomy of the cochlea & its neural connections studies result in the growth of implant technologies and treatment techniques. Bioâ€films in relation to ear implants present a new challenging concept in sustaining chronic, common antibiotic-resistant ear, nose, and throat (ENT) infections. Asepsis & antiâ€sepsis protocols in implant the measures to prevent an infection from entering a wound are referred to as asepsis, while those to cause the exclusion or destruction of harmful microbes are generally called antisepsis. Recent advances and future directions in implant otology and audiology will bring up the mark for the hearing aid technology.
- Track 10-1Radioâ€imaging of the auditory system
- Track 10-2Physiological bases of the cochlear implant
- Track 10-3Microâ€anatomy of the cochlea & its neural connections
- Track 10-4Bioâ€films in relation to ear implants
- Track 10-5Asepsis & antiâ€sepsis protocols in implant
- Track 10-6Recent advances & future directions in implant otology
Hearing loss can be caused by many different causes, some of which can be successfully treated with medicine or surgery, depending on the disease process. There are 3 types of Hearing Loss:Conductive hearing loss, Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), mixed hearing loss. This track will discuss the detail study of causes and treatment of deafness and hearing loss such as Sudden deafness and permanent hearloss, Deaf-Blindness, Stapedectomy, Otological transplants and implants and Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD).
- Track 11-1Sudden deafness and permanent hearloss
- Track 11-2Causes of conductive deafness
- Track 11-3Pendred syndrome
- Track 11-4Non syndromic hearing loss and deafness
- Track 11-5Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD)
- Track 11-6Ototoxicity
- Track 11-7Hyperacusis
- Track 11-8Deaf-Blindness
- Track 11-9Hearing problems in children
- Track 11-10Audiologic rehabilitation, hearing screening and testing
- Track 11-11Age Related Hearing Loss