Somia Tawfik
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Title: Efficacy of computer-based auditory training for cochlear implant recipients
Biography: Somia Tawfik
Most of the training programs for cochlear implant recipients focus on the role of pitch and loudness for verbal communication. Unfortunately, the role of temporal aspects of auditory stimuli and the phonemic abilities in the training programs of CI children were not explored. This study was designed to explore the value of applying a computer-based training that was developed by audiology unit, Ain Shams University in Arabic language to improve temporal processing and phonemic awareness abilities. This program was applied on 33 CI children (Nucleus 24) with a minimum of one year of device use. Children received regular sessions twice /week for three months. Each session lasted for approximately 30 minutes. Results showed that 25 of 33 children could accomplish the training program. Children who completed training showed improvement in auditory skills as measured by Arabic version of MAIS questionnaire, Arabic speech perception tests and auditory fusion test that measured temporal processing. The neuroplastic changes following remediation was documented electophysiologically by increased amplitude of mismatch negativity test. On the other hand, they could not achieve significant change of Arabic language score. Such improvement was retained for a period of 6 months up two years after training was completed. It can be concluded that computer-based training of temporal and phonemic abilities are effective and promising for CI children.