Krishan Ramdoo
Northwest London Hospital Trust, UK
Title: Hearing screening in the community – what is the future?
Biography: Krishan Ramdoo
Objective: The ageing population has led to increasing numbers (approximately 330,000) of older people residing in care homes across England; estimates suggest 75% of them could have a hearing loss. This study aims to illustrate the current prevalence of undiagnosed hearing loss in a typical elderly care home and evaluate the feasibility of opportunistic screening of hearing loss in the community.
Method: Subjects over the age of 65 years were recruited from three Nursing homes. A validated subjective bed-side hearing screen (whisper test) was performed to identify individuals with hearing impairment. Subjects who failed or self-reported hearing difficulties were offered gold standard audiological assessment, pure tone audiometry.
Results: Hearing screening was performed on 56 patients, 20 (36%) of those self-reported hearing loss, 22 (39%) failed the screening whisper test. All (n=42) were referred for audiological assessment, of whom 5 declined and 11 were unable to engage in audiometric assessment. 62% had aidable hearing loss and were referred for hearing aids. This identified a screen: aid ratio of 2:1.
Conclusion: This pilot highlights a high incidence of undiagnosed hearing loss in elderly patient residents in a typical Care home. The results suggest consideration should be given for a screening program to help address this unmet need as part of a portable toolkit utilizing our Audiology team in the community. The team involved is currently developing this patented toolkit.