Vural Fidan
Yunus Emre Government Hospital, Turkey
Title: Impact of hearing aids on tinnitus treatment
Biography: Vural Fidan
Tinnitus is generally resulted by expression of neural plasticity evoked by deprivation of auditory input. The hearing aids makes the patient less aware of the tinnitus and it helps communication in tinnitus patients. Hearing loss reduces stimulation from sounds. Hearing aids help enough activation of the auditory nervous system to reduce the tinnitus perception so they have an impact on tinnitus by restoring neural function. We studied on 25 patients to investigate the effect of hearing aids on tinnitus. 60% of patients said that their tinnitus were absent and 36% of them said that their tinnitus were decreased. Only 4% said that his tinnitus was not changed. As a result hearing aids should be used to both ears to take the best results.