Biography: A Sanem Sahli
Congenital hearing loss is a important public health problem. 1-3 infants are born with congenital bilateral sensor ineural hearing loss in Turkey. Several factors including degree, type and configuration of hearing loss, interact to determine the impact of hearing loss on auditory perception, speech, language and communication skills. National Newborn Hearing Screening Program (NNHSP) are very important for early hearing detection and early intervention services. Newborn Hearing Screening Program has begun firstly in 2003 in Turkey. For a effective new born hearing screening program, all new borns should have access to hearing screeening before 1 month of age, confirm the presence of hearing loss before 3 months of age and receive intervention services before 6 months of age. Early intervention services include hearing technologies (hearing aid, cochlear implant) and auditory verbaltherapy (auditory habilitation). Early intervention programs should be family centered and all infants should be assessed and monitored for auditory, language and speech development.