Biography: Enaas Ahmed Kolkaila
Background: Dyslexia has been used to refer to the specific learning problem of reading. The temporal auditory processing deficit theory suggests that one causal deficit of dyslexia is an impaired ability to process sounds.
Objectives: To study auditory temporal processing in children with dyslexia using two electrophysiological tests.
Subjects & Methods: 80 children were participated in this study. They were divided into control group formed of 30 children and study group formed of 50 children. All participants had normal hearing sensitivity, normal middle ear function with average intelligent. All children were examined using speech auditory brainstem response and cortical auditory evoked potentials with /da/ speech stimulus at intensity 90 dBnHL.
Results: It showed that there was significant statistical difference between control and study group in both electrophysiological tests. Prolonged latency and reduced amplitude were recorded in children with dyslexia in S-ABR as well as in cortical auditory evoked potentials.
Conclusions: Children with dyslexia have deficit in auditory temporal processing and encoding of auditory information. Electrophysiological tests are sensitive in cases of dyslexia, so they were considered good diagnostic tests in such cases.