A Sanem Sahli
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Sanem SAHLI, PhD. She earned ‘Master of Science degree’ at Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Educational Audiology Program in 2005 and ‘Doctorate degree’ in the same program in 2010 and she received “Assoc Prof†title in field of Audiology in 2012. Between 2008–2010, she has worked with Warren Estabrooks who is a Global Ambassador of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and professional trainer and she has earned certificate of Auditory-Verbal Therapy and Trainers of trainers. In 2009, during four months, she has been Albert Ludwig University, Freiburg University Hospital, Department of Otolaryngology and Freiburg Cochlear Implant Center as a fellow and visiting researcher. She carried out studies on cochlear implantation, programing (fitting), auditory re/habilitation and music therapy in Hearing and Speech Training Center Turkish and German patients and performed doctorate thesis on multiple intelligences and learning preferences of Turkish children with cochlear implant in Germany. She has been carrying out music therapy programs of hearing and speech disorder with childrens and their parents still. She has been working in Cochlear Implant Assosication Supervisory Board since 2006 and Hacettepe Disability Research and Application Center, Education Unit actively since 2010. She has been in organizations of many Audiology meetings and congresses and educational meetings for parents, teachers and society in different regions of Turkey. Dr.Sahlı, has been working as ‘editorial consultant/ scientific reviewer’ in journals and she has many scientific articles in international and national journals. She has attended many international and national congress/symposium as speaker or listener and currently, she has been continuing her vocational and academic studies as staff in Hacettepe University Vocational School of Health Services Hearing and Speech Training Center since 2004. Workspace: : Hearing loss, delayed speech, educational assessment in children with hearing and speech disorders and cochlear implant, assessment of speech and language, educational follows, auditory re/habilitation, auditory-verbal therapy, music therapy, family counselling,
Abstract : Cochlear implant and music