Amani Ahmed Shalaby
Ain-Shams University, Egypt
Shalaby A, MD is a Professor of Audiology at Ain Shams University. He/She is a Member of International Auditory Physician Association (IAPA). He/She is a Member of Egyptian Otorhino-laryngology Society, and a Member of Egyptian Audio-Vestibular Medical Society. He/She is a Certified Trainer of KAMPS method of Auditory Integration Training (AIT), and a Reviewer of EJENTAS Journal. He/She is specialized in diagnosis & management of hearing & balance disorders. His/Her main domains are evaluation & management of children with learning disabilities, central auditory processing disorders (CAPD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), Autistic spectrum disorder.
Abstract : The implication of peripheral hearing loss on temporal auditory processing in children